Friday, January 3, 2014

Building Air-Conditioning Common Problem


The most common problem with air-con is water leakage, high chance this happen is due to lack of maintenance. After the air-conditioner is being install and taken over, it is the owner responsibility to maintain it. As a layman, doing simple maintenance can prolong the lifespan of the air-con, is easy and require only 10-15 minutes to do it. just take out the filter and wash it, this maintain good ventilation for the FCU and allow them to provide cooler air.

Air-Con maintenance frequency

Air-Con if frequently used require frequent servicing. Frequently used refer to once everyday for 6 to 8 hours. Normally refer to user using the Air-Con at night during the rest time. This kind of usage need to have at least 1 to 2 servicing a year.

Heavy usage like switching on the Air-Con for 24/7, servicing recommended is bi-monthly or quarterly greatly depending on the unit size and air-con size. If unsure, you may contact the air-con contractor to advise further.

Type of Air-Con water leakage

There are several issue that can cause air-con leakage and I only elaborate on the more common issues.

1- Prolong usage of the air-con.

Household air-con are not designed for heavy usage. Prolong usage will cause condensation issue to the pipe, FCU or to your neighbors house. Normally this happen to user that are extreme hater to hot weather or not used to the hot weather, they tend to switch on the air-con 24/7. Condensation rate will increase if the temperature is set at the coldest and this will result water to drip from the piping or the FCU. Nowadays, air-con piping are concealed and the dripping will cause damage to the wall's paint or the the false ceiling.

When the blower is set at 1 direction for too long, for example neighbor's ceiling or flooring, this will cause condensation at that particular spot, prolong condensation will cause alot of issue.
-If the location of the condensation is at ceiling near to electrical wiring might cause short circuit.
-If the location of the condensation is at ceiling paint, this will cause bubbling of paints or paint peeling issue.
-If the location of the condensation is at floor, certain tiles when come in contact with water long enough will start to have black marking.
-If the location of the condensation is at floor and material is wood, it will start to pop and create an uneven surface, these damage is irreversible.

2- Lack of maintenance.

Any workable mechanical device that are used or unused (standby) need to be serviced. Lack of maintenance can cause poor ventilation in the system and chokage at the drainage area. Ventilation is one of the factor that affect the coldness of the air. The air-con comes with the drainage tray to collect the water from the FCU and drain it off. Tray that are not maintenance properly will cause chokage and leads to water leakage from the FCU.

3- Wear and tear of Insulation

Visual check on the pipe, you will see dampness or water droplet at the insulation. Feel the pipe if is cold. These issue normally happen when there is poor workmanship or after a long usage, lifespan of the insulation depending on material used, some can last more then 10 years. certain part of the piping runs into the concrete wall so the insulation are cast inside the concrete when this happen, part of the concrete wall need to be hack for further repairs. If the insulation is not fixed, water dripping sound can be heard when it was quiet and prolong dripping will cause damage to the surround, normally brown stain will be the first symptom to be spotted at the false ceiling. When this happen, remove the false ceiling and place a pail or container to collect the water and get it repaired as soon as possible.

4- Water from the conceal pipe

Visual check on the wall, check for poping paint, Feel the wall, check for dampness. Water leaking from the pipe normally happen at the joint. This happen when there are chokage or poor workmanship. Frequent servicing will lower the risk of chokage, the services man will use a commercial vacuum to  suck out the jelly left in the pipe. suction from the start and end of pipe to clear both end of jelly.
If troubleshooting is needed, off the air-con, check on the dampness of wall, let it dry.
if the dampness does not dry, the leakage is coming from else where.
if the wall drys, on the air-con as per normal usage,
if the dampness reappear, the leak is most likely from the air-con. Check your drawing for more accurate position of the affected pipe.
*during the troubleshooting period do no use any water tap surrounding the area.

5- Water leakage at the FCU.

Visual check on the corner of FCU, check for water stain mark. Feel the wall, check for dampness. Check the position of the drainage tray.
if the leakage is away from the drainage hole, the installation method is wrong.
if the leakage is at the drainage hole, the air-con drainage is choked. It is due for servicing.

6- Overloading of the FCU

Purchase a FCU that match with the size of your room, purchasing a FCU (BTU) smaller then the room, your air-con will hard double hard. this mean is will incur more electrical bill and also reduce the lifespan of your air-con. When purchasing an air-con get the seller to advise on the recommended BTU for your room. Some will ask for the size of your room. Bigger BTU does not mean is better. When using your air-con, close all windows and doors. air-con will remove the moisture in your room and from there your room will get cooler, if the window or door is open, the moist from external air will get in and will affect the coldness of the air and this will make your air-con work harder.

Limit your usage of air humidifier, air refreshener, or similar product. These product will affect the performance of the air-con. Especially oil base product. they will choke up your air-con filter and making it harder to ventilate.

Learn to protect your air-con and protect your pocket.

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