Thursday, January 2, 2014

Building Defect

Common Building Defect for Property Owners in Singapore

As a user of the modern home, high chance you do not know about building stuff. When things happen all you have to do is to engage an expert to help you solve the problem. Some times is good to have some knowledge about building defects, in case of your specialist say a lot building terminology that try to confuse you and get you to pay more then required. Sometimes is just a natural occurrence in a building that need not kick up a big fuss.

Before we start explaining about building defect, I used to work in building industry and therefore I had some knowledge about building stuff but law and rules change at different time and location. All the defect that I explain is all common issue I face during my work. Each and every defect might have many different possible causes to the defect so troubleshooting is required. My blog post on building defect is only for your reference and as a building/ unit owner, it is your own responsibility to maintain your own unit. Property comes with warranty but building warranty doesn't last very long, so proper usage and maintenance is the key to maintain a good home.

Different types of commonly seen building defect by owners

Air-Conditioning (FCU) Leakage
Paint Peeling
Wall Crack
-Hairline Crack
-Active Crack
Water Seepage
Inter-Floor Water Seepage
Spalling Concrete

Some of the defect is by natural occurrence and some is by lack of maintenance issue. For example, a paint peeling can be a wear and tear issue and can be a water leakage issue. Observation on the condition will determine the cause. Of all the defect, the most problematic is with the water seepage cause water travel and behind the wall you do not know where does the water runs.

When owner spot any defect, access it and try to determine it cause. If in doubt contact the relevance authority to inspect, get the expert to advise before making any major decision. If you are staying in condominium seek help from the Management Office. If you are staying in HDB flat, seek help from HDB.

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