Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Compost - Booster of the Ecosystem

Compost - Booster of the Ecosystem

When living thing died, they decomposed and the end result will become compost. Its a highly nutritious material that provide a lot of benefit to the living things in the area. Normally these compost is dark brown in color.

We look at the process in miniature, just the decomposition process involved thousand to million micro organism. the commonly seen are earthworms, millipedes, snails and many more. These organism feed on the organic material, they break down the material and return the basic nutrient to the earth, in turn provide food for the plants.

When looking as a whole, abundant of nutrition promote vegetation growth. Canopy form, shelter provided and herbivores will be attracted follow up by the carnivores. In the nature world, plant change leaves, living things dies off or they excrete waste these will be decomposed by the micro organism and the nutrient will be returned to the soil for plant to re absorb and this form at complete ecosystem.

Moral of Story

The main point to capture here is that compost is a powerful material able to help boost your plant growth. Garden soil when used very often will lose it fertility and compost is the solution. Compost provide your plant with the required nutrient to flourish in the long run.

If you have the spaces, I would encourage you to make your own compost. Everyone can do it, it is cheap to make just require some space and time for the natural reaction to take place. The time to complete your compost various, depending on the material used.

Material needed is the kitchen organic waste and the green organic waste. Just dump it at 1 big container to ensure animal do not mess it up. Wonder will happen after some months. These are just basic compost. If you intend to make good compost, material used, condition of the climate, catalyst used need to take into consideration.

If you have no spaces, you can choose to buy it from the garden or nursery, is widely available.

Application of the Compost

Although compost works wonder for the plant but DO NOT used too much compost in the potted plant. The Compost itself is soft so it does not provide much support for the plant. It particles is small so it does not help the plant roots to breath. Compost help to retain water for the plant, if too much compost might cause root rot problem.

For optimal result, apply compost on top of the soil estimate of at least 5cm thick. This can provide protection to the soil and also boost the underground activities.

Alternatively, you can mix the compost together with the garden soil to change the soil structure. This can improve aeration for the roots, provide moist retention and improve underground movement.

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