Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Epipremnum Aureum, Pothos - Different types of Planting Method

Epipremnum Aureum, Pothos - Type of Planting Method

The traditional way of planting Pothos is of cause growing it from soil but I like to plants it without soil, so I experiment with various method of a soil-less planting.

Pothos in the vase

1 - My first and foremost experiment which is also the easiest method, growing the Pothos in vase/ container of water, is quite a traditional way similar to displaying a flower in the vase. This method works for Pothos but the downside of this method is the frequent change of water is needed to promote healthy growth. This method is cheap but require a lot of attention. changing 1 vase is fine, imagine you have more then a vase, say 10 vase at different location. it will be very time consuming.

In a humid and hot weather place like Singapore is a good place for the mosquito to breed. If you leave your plants out there too long without changing the water, this will easily attract Aedes mosquito to breed and spread dengue fever, is harmful to yourself, your family and also your neighbors.

Keep the quantity of Pothos low and this traditional vase method works!

2 - The second method that I'm trying out is planting it using crystal gel as the medium. These gel will absorb water and contain it. When placed in to the container/ pot the plant roots will slowly absorb the water in gel and without the presence of water, mosquito won't be able to breed. These gel can be brought at supermarket or florist. These gel need to be prepared before using, to prepare soaked it in water for 2-3 hours then drain off the excess water and the remaining gel is ready for use.

From the result of using the gel, this gel is good for plants that is small and light, in this case is not suitable for house plant Pothos because when the plant is big, long and heavy, the gel wont be able to support the weight and when it get too big it will uproot itself.

As long as you keep the plant small, crystal gel is a good method.

3 - The third method is using a similar product call the Sumi balls. This material that is very versatile, is light, able to provide aeration for the roots and when given depth is strong enough to support the plant.

With the aqua type of planting Pothos, pot used are different from the usual pots. The bottom of the pot cannot have holes and require a stopper to prevent the water from draining off.

To start off, put the Pothos into the pot semi filled with Sumi balls then cover the roots and few segment of the bottom of the plant with Sumi ball to the slightly more then 3/4 of the pot. this way the plant will be well supported. Thereafter filled the pot with 1/2 water full and not over the sumi ball. If water change is required, just remove the stopper to drain of the water. The frequency is 2-3 times a week.

So far this is the most preferred method, its clean, easy, no pest and beautifully enhance the environment.

check out my other posting for interesting experience with Pothos.

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