Sunday, December 8, 2013

Epipremnum Aureum, Pothos - Natural Fence Cover with Pothos

Natural Fence Cover with Pothos, for privacy and to beautify your home.

I'm not an expert in gardening so before I tried growing Pothos I did a lot of reading. From my finding, I realized not many people like to grow it differently so I decided to grow the Pothos my way.

Commonly landscape architect will consider other plants to cover up the fences, seldom will professional suggest the use of Pothos to grow on fencing for a natural cover. There are reason behind it, as an alternative I tried to cover the fences with Pothos and i realize it make a good cover, if the quantity and density of the plant are place properly, the end result will be as good as the others plant.

These Pothos are fast growing vines plant so the fence will be covered in no time. I only able to plant it on a small portion of the the fence but the result was good. If you intend to Do It Yourself the fence cover require quite a bit of work to make it real nice, keep in mind, quantity and density is the key to make it nice. You need to readjust the position of the where the vine is going, guide it to some where there to lesser leaves this is to balance out the coverage.

Frequent watering still required (preferably daily in the morning), if you forget to water its fine, it will not wilt that easily. The Pothos is a strong and durable plant that able to withstand a lot of hardship. Its ideal if your fencing Pothos is grown on solid ground, true ground provide a lot of rooms for the root growth, plenty of nutrient and water from the subsoil.

Some characteristic of Pothos I notice during the experiment, when the vines are given supported (natural way of the aerial root gripping onto something), constant supply of water are given and frequent fertilizer are feed, the vine get thicker, the leaves will grow bigger and the distance between the leaves get further.

*note: growing Pothos outdoor expose to a lot of sunlight and these will make their leave less green.

There are also many other ways to plant Pothos.
Look out for my other posting on Pothos.

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