Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Epipremnum Aureum, Pothos - Fish-less Tank

Growing Pothos in a fish-less tank

Houses in the western country normally comes with a garden of your own. Unlike Singapore houses are small with limited space but there are still many video online showing what they can do living in a small space, so is up to you to explore.

Do not restrict yourself to just 1 or 2 growing method, play around with the tools or item around you and you can amuse yourself with what creativity you can come out with. Pothos is a very strong, durable and easily propagated plant so try all you want with this plant.

growing Pothos in the equipped fish tank

I grow my Pothos in a fish-less tank, equipment require is only a lighting system and a simple filter system. Why this idea come about is because I like soil-less planting, I do not want mosquito to breed, I know Pothos root breath. So a equipped tank meet my requirement. (a small tank are able to support about 6 small Pothos)

Start off use some clothes pin attached it with the Pothos to the side of the tank, this give them the support. Pour in the water and activate the filter pump and attach the lighting, the light does not need to be always on, this greatly depend on your placement of tank. Place the tank near the window for natural light source. If additional light is require you can always add in more lamps.

A good healthy water change frequency is once every 2-3 days, you can change it once a week. Just add in some liquid fertilizer when you do a water change this will boost a lot of growth in the plant and you never have to worry about your plant dying of thirst.

the Pro:
1 - Is soil-less, so it will be clean, more space for the roots to grow.
2 - The water is moving seamlessly, so mosquito wont breed (not 100%, monitoring still require)
3 - In Feng Shui theory, flowing water is a sign of wealth, if place in the correct location it will bring you prosperity.
4 - sound of the water flow create a tranquil environment.
5 - With the water fall filter, this will dissolve oxygen, enable the root to breath (not sure if the root can breath underwater).
6 - does not require to change water that frequent but require to add in water with the fertilizer weekly.

the Con:
1 - require power supply,
2 - require to change to liquid fertilizer.

I had tried this method of fish-less tank growing for months already, most of Pothos flourish in the tank and none of them wilt. They only fight for space be it roots or the leaves and in fact I still have to remove a few of them to make space for the rest.

Check out my other post on Pothos

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