Friday, December 20, 2013

Epipremnum Aureum, Pothos - Transplanting from Hydro Culture to Soil and Vice Versa

Transplanting from Hydro Culture to Soil

When Pothos grown in hydro culture get overcrowded they need to be relocate for better growth, overcrowding can result to plants fighting for mineral, water and space. In the nature world the fittest survive, to protect your weaker plants, alternative location can be outside the house (sheltered) for natural growth. Outside the house mean higher exposure to mosquito issue, so falling back to the traditional soil planting a better choice.

There are things to note when switching from hydro culture to soil planting. The plant will need a few days to adapt, when it is transferred into the soil, place the pot at a darker area for a few days to allow the root to adapt to the changes. during these period of time, you may chose to wrap your plants with plastic bag to minimize the lose of water, It will take a few days before the root start to take in nutrient, only then you will see growth.

Different between the 2 root system and the comparison is:
1 - The strength of water base roots are more fragile then the soil base roots.
2 - The appearance of the water base roots is whiter then soil base roots.
3 - The size of the water base roots are smaller then soil base roots.

When the conversion period is over, give your plants support when they grow, let the Pothos root stick on to the walls. Feeding are still require, slowly you will see the plant grow bigger and slowly the leaves will get bigger too.

If you are willing to let the root stick to your wall, be prepare that your paint will most likely be damaged. Alternatively you can choice to erect a 2 inch thick pole, wrap with mulch, place it in the middle of the pot, Pothos like to climb on in. This make a good decoration to your entrance door.

Transplanting from Soil to Hydro Culture

When you are type of person that like clean planting and do not to touch soil, the sight of the underground organism will make you feel Eeee! hydro culture work best for you.

1 - Clean the pebble before used.

2 - To change from soil to hydro culture you need the pebbles as medium, a pot with no drainage holes.

3 - Remove the plant from the pot by squeezing the side of the pot to loosen the soil, use a knife or sharp object to go around the soil to separate the soil and the pot.

4 - Soak the root ball in water to soften the soil. REMOVE ALL SOIL attached to the roots. In the process be gentle, do not damage the root in the process.

5 - Remove all dead and rot roots, prune the root to a smaller size, if needed.

6 - Setup the pebble in pot with plant, filled with water. Do not fertilizer until you see growth.

7 - Cover up the plant with plastic bag until you see growth.

Other accessory to use
- water indicator to check if the water level is sufficient.
- use 2 pots, 1 with drainage and the other without drainage, pot with drainage will with pebbles and the one without drainage as the outer layer.

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